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All those that redefine the status quo
The originals, the luminaries
The influencers and the change makers
The daylight chasers, day dreamers and dream makers
The pioneers, the revolutionaries
The ‘been there’ the done thats’ and the ones who have worn the t-shirt out
Those that break the rules to rewrite them
The industry makers, the trail blazers and those who continue to blaze the trail.

The first event in the series
Road Cycling
'In pursuit of marginal gains'
3 speakers / 1 host / 1 Boutique Venue
Saturday Oct 30 2021
Doors Open 18:30
The Loading Dock, BH2 5LS
- Time is TBDThe Loading Dock, Avenue Ln, Bournemouth BH2 5LS, UK
- Time is TBDThe Loading Dock, Avenue Ln, Bournemouth BH2 5LS, UK
- Time is TBDThe Loading Dock, Avenue Ln, Bournemouth BH2 5LS, UK
- 30 Oct 2021, 18:30 – 23:00 BSTThe Loading Dock, Avenue Ln, Bournemouth BH2 5LS, UK
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